Actualização do software Softaculous nos nossos servidores para a versão 4.3.8
Estimados Clientes.
Informamos que um dos softwares, por nós usados…
O Softaculous, recebeu mais uma actualização importante!
Assim sendo informamos que todos os nossos servidores estão agora a usar a versão: 4.3.8
Esta versão traz importantes melhoramentos tais como:
The Softaculous Team has released Softaculous 4.3.8
This version of Softaculous adds a fresh new theme, minor changes and few bug fixes.
A complete list of changes:
1) Added a new theme “Modern” which is very flexible and can blend with the user’s taste. This theme is currently in Beta stage and will be released as the default stable theme by end January 2014.
You can choose the theme from Softaculous Admin panel -> Settings and choose the theme as “Modern”. Click here for guide.
2) The new theme “Modern” loads 2X faster.
3) [Critical Fix] The Admin Import Utility had a critical bug which has been fixed in this version. We would like to thank for notifying us of this bug. W
e recommend everyone to upgrade to the latest version of Softaculous. By default Softaculous will auto upgrade itself. If you have disabled Softaculous Upgrades, please manually upgrade Softaculous from the Admin Panel.
4) Added an option for sorting domains alphabetically under the “Choose Domain” dropdown on the script install form. This setting can be changed from Softaculous Enduser panel -> Edit Settings page.
5) Added space requirement check while upgrading an installation.
6) Security Fix : The error log file was writable to all users. This is now changed. Also a reseller could run the import command line utility in cPanel due to ACL Failure of the Utility. We would like to thank for notifying us of this bug.
7) Bug Fix : If CageFS was installed after Softaculous installation then CageFS related functionality in Softaculous was not working. This is fixed now.
8 ) Bug Fix : On servers running Plesk, Softaculous was unable to fetch the database limit for a domain having unlimited databases allowed due to unexpected API response. This is fixed now.
9) Bug Fix : While Cloning an installation, Softaculous was unable to replace the database settings in the config file of the cloned installation if the file was not writeable. This is fixed now.
ão sabe o que é o softaculous?
Veja neste link e descubra um dos melhores instaladores do mercado…
Paulo Eduardo
CEO – Trignosfera